Wednesday 28 March 2007


Some of the girls are starting to lose interest in the blogs. It seems the "wet cement" (XXXX 200X) isn't even waiting until the end of the course!

Not overly surprised though, since, as my wife reminded me, "How long was it before we did the same?" Probably, as XXXX noted (200?), has something to do with the narcisism factor or believing that one has something to say or, if in a community, that people are wanting to hear something.

Anyway, one of my co-teachers has asked me to get some of the girls to post their written exercises on the blogs. Then, they can be corrected and edited.

1 comment:

Jane in Java said...

Hi Phil,
I have given up on this particular blog. I just noticed that you thought that I was using this one. I am at
BTW my students are loving this blogging stuff.